So… What is Programming?
Today, we rely on our technology for everything. We use it to stay in touch with people, especially in these days, to have classes via Zoom or Google Meet, to have fun by playing browser games or by using the Admiral Casino bonus, but most importantly, we use it to find information on things we want to know more about.
We hear talks about coding and programming, about telling machines what to do and using languages to write interesting sentences which are definitely ungrammatical in standard English, yet the computers seem to understand them perfectly. They understand them so well that you can play video games while code is being executed in the background. What kind of magic is that? Well, it’s called programming and it is pretty difficult to learn and even more to master.
But, what is programming, after all? Here is a breakdown.
Computer Programming – Definitions and Beginnings
Computer programming refers to executing computations, often by creating executable programs that do that for us. Programming is typically done in languages that are intelligible to programmers, rather than machine code.
Machine code refers to instruction sets used by the central processing unit. Instructions cause the CPU to perform a single action, which is why there are entire instruction sets, known as machine code. Machine code has another name, low-level programming.
In order to bridge the gap between intelligible language and machine code, assembler language was created, and later, compilers.
Programming Languages – What Are They?
Programming languages are a way for the programmeer to express their thoughts and desires to the machine so that the machine can execute them. Typically, intelligible languages are used nowadays, called high-level languages. These are any languages whose syntax is easy to understand and express, starting from Fortran, C, C++, BASIC and many more.
These languages execute code and send it to a compiler which then translates the code into machine code, for the processor to execute. Nowadays, modern processors are that fast and the compilers are so good that there is very little abstraction penalty, which is generated from a lack of optimization in high-level languages.
Should You Learn Programming?
Programming is a fun and interesting topic to tackle, but it is enormous and one should strive to understand how a microprocessor works in order to be able to understand how programming works. This isn’t necessary for visual web design, but it is if you want to work closer to the machines, for example, in the drivers, microcode for the processors, writing BIOSes, and so on and so forth. If you like mathematics, have patience and enjoy a good challenge and brain teaser, then programming is the perfect job for you. It helps that it pays very well.
Programming Could Be the Future
Programming is important to our world. Most of what we do in daily life executes some kind of code. From checking social media to searching on the internet, even to the texts that we are typing, unlocking the screen, not to mention turning on our computers.
Programming is a great career to pursue, and it is definitely going to play a huge role in shaping the future.
You can influence that future.
Programming is a complex way of telling a machine to execute some kind of task. It is done through high-level and low-level programming languages and has layers of complexity that would take a while to fully understand.