The Most Popular Programming Languages in the Gaming World
The majority of programmers can claim that they once used to be passionate gamers and that video games are partly responsible for their choice of...
Facing the Dilemma between Python and Java
Python and Java are two general-purpose object-oriented languages that are both used for creating different Internet and mobile apps. Their frameworks, Django and Spring, are...
Different Categories of Programming Languages
There are some statistical facts that there are around 9000 programming languages today, including the earliest ones which seem outdated. It is a large number...
Is It Necessary to Become a Polyglot in Programming?
In the digital world where there are hundreds of different programming languages, it can be a hard decision on what programming language to learn. Although...
Is HTML Considered Old-Fashioned Within the Terms of Modern Coding?
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is used to create the structure of web pages. It emerged as a programming language in 1991...
Maintaining the Fluency of Programming Languages with English as Lingua Franca
Maybe the most frequently used foreign language in the world is English. The statistics show that, out of 7.63 billion people in the world, 1.5...
The Programming Languages Which Make Coding Easy
Today, there are hundreds of different programming languages that complete the necessary actions required by programmers. A programmer can master more than one programming language...
Why Are Programming Languages Seen as Driving Forces of the Digital World?
Just like people use human language as basic means of communication, computers need programming languages to receive the message from the outside world and react...
Should Programming Languages Be Taught at Schools? Yes, They Should
Education is a very large component of our lives, particularly when we are young. From preschool, elementary school, to high school and college, we spend...