Five Elements to Give You an Insight Into Programming Basics

The moment you decide to enter the world of programming, you should bear in mind that it is not only about technology work – it is also a matter of creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, a place for general academic improvement which needs a holistic approach. The programming experts compare programming to learning a new language – each language uses certain symbols and a set of rules which shape the way you think, and that is also the case with programming languages. Today, there are a bunch of programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, C++, Phyton, and Ruby, and each one of them includes five basic elements every programmer should be familiar with. 


Variables are regarded as boxes or containers holding data and information. Their role is to store data for future use. Whatever you type in a certain homepage or whatever data you leave on the Internet, the information is stored in these variables, and the programmers can use them at any time when needed.

Variables can vary from the most simple ones, such as the email address of a user of their age, to very complex ones, such as big corpuses containing university information on students’ names, age, exams, the courses they attend, etc. 

Data Structures

These structures organize large amounts of information once programmers search for it. In other words, data structures organize all related variables which have the same function. This is the case with visitors who have to leave their names at variables, and data structures are there to recognize visitors’ names as the same variable with variations. In this case, data structures serve as lists. Instead of making numerous variables for each visitor’s name, programmers use a single variable that is flexible and prone to change. 

Control Structures

These structures analyze the variables and determine the direction of their next processing step. Control structures use the given parameters, and the computer seems to read the code thoroughly before it takes any action. Then, after the code has been read, the computer decides on the action it takes which also respects the strict rules proposed by a programmer. Control structures have an impact on code flow and they dictate the conditions under which computers make decisions and execute commands. 


It may sound funny, but just like in any human language, computer language also follows a set of rules which are known as syntax. Computer syntax is there to define specific layouts of letters and symbols. In the case of adequate syntax, computers read the given code 100% precisely. The perfect example of syntax function is reading the email addresses. Email addresses possess a specific format, which is known as email syntax, containing letters and numbers, @ symbol, and a website domain. Once you make a mistake in typing in an email address, computer syntax won’t recognize it as such, and it will refuse to take any action. It is important to emphasize that there is no generic computer syntax and that each computer language has established its own syntactic set of rules. 


Tools are there to help programmers code much faster than usual. Some tools are there to check the syntax for errors, to organize files, to autocomplete commonly used code, and to help programmers navigate through their codes. In other words, tools are there to provide accuracy and to supervise all the coding processes. 

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